Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Final BAPP post!

Hello BA PPers!

How did the oral presentation go?  I'm a bit late doing this last post but I think with time to reflect I'd say I found the oral presentation one of the most difficult elements of the course.   Trying to edit down everything you need to explain down to 10 minutes is tricky.  I was really down to the bare bones of the inquiry in 10 slides, but still wanted time to talk about the most important literature.
I've have taken out videos in slides 9 and 10 for ethical reasons I don't think they can be shared online, but it was a video of my class and a video of some choreography I've been working on.

I did two artefact projects in the end and can't attach the first as it has videos from my classes, but I will add the second video which was to demonstrate where I am in my journey in choreography.  This piece is something I am working on and am improvising more myself to create new movement for the project.   It is not an improvised piece, but some of the movement is a product from me improvising with the idea of the 'metamorphosis' project in mind.

Best of luck for your results!

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