Tuesday 10 March 2015

My initial and further thoughts on excerpt from Kottcamp's Reflection In-Action and On-Action learning

Reflection in action: perfecting a dance as you create / learn it from someone else. I enjoy the idea of this being harder to achieve than reflecting post action.  Why?  I want dancers to be thought of as having a different intelligence, perhaps harder for others to achieve.

'Sole collector of data on the event'
We have to work independently to learn in that moment.   Do I learn in-action?  Yes and no, I'm not sure of the answer.   No, I like to look back, discuss, write about it, make a diagram.   Yes, I can change my learning in the present.  Do I enjoy it, no... I find it difficult to learn from how I am doing something as I do it.   I have to concentrate intensely to change a routine as I learn it because it isn't working.   Have I learnt this method rather than it being my natural learning style?

'Planning for the future without the imperative for immediate action'
Do I enjoy analysing?  Yes, less pressure.  Relief and excitement at a 'lightbulb' moment.  Therefore, am I a 'off-line' on action learner?  I'm not certain but it feels like it.  I have always wanted to be a better in-action learner.   I have met performers who can quickly adapt, change, retain what is being corrected rapidly.   It's what I will always strive to be better at!



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